Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Making Spoons

One thing is for certain: as a homeschooling mom, the school subject I will never need to teach the girls myself, is the subject of woodworking. Brian is very talented in the art and is never too busy to invite the girls into his garage for some fun lessons. Last week, I heard Liv asking Brian if she could hang out with him in his garage. His response?

"Your presence is required!"

Now, what little girl wouldn't love hearing that from her dad? I adore him for making our girls feel like a necessary part of his every minute. Thanks, honey. :o)

After that remark, Liv ran up to me and said, "Mom! Daddy said my pregnancy is required!" Yes...it's baby season around here alright. Just 6 whole days till we go in to be induced!

(Notice, I said "we". But really, it is I who will undergo the pain and torment and absolute nail-biting experience. But alas--it is all worth it.)

After correcting the misshapen conversation, Liv dashed out of the room, giggling, to get her shoes. She has spent many hours building in the garage. After I got Brian a longboard for his birthday, she insisted on building her own. A shortened 2X4 with castors and wheels on the bottom. I believed for a few weeks after that Brian had placed the wheels on the underside of that piece of wood. I was shocked to find out that Liv had done it herself. I wonder if she would show me how to run a drill?

After visiting the Saturday Market one crisp morning in April, and seeing the beautiful handcarved spoons at one booth, we came home wanting to make our own. We spent all Saturday working on the spoons and having a good time. It was fun to compare the results....each spoon so different!

Brian demonstrates.

Jan shows off her spoon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is soo cool. I am now fully inspired for family projects!


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