Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nature Walk: Adaptaions of Birds

Another beautiful trail trek with the library was had by us all. What a wonderful time communing with Nature these last weeks! This particular nature activity was all about the adaptations of birds--emphasis on the beaks and how they are strategically designed to fetch the food they eat. Hmmm....coincidence? Not in the least!

Our sweet friend K and Lil miss Holland get ready to start the activity:
Stations were set up with representations of different foods and beaks (tools). The kids got to try the different tools to pick up the foods to determine which bird had which type of beak.

Liv uses the slotted spoon to fish out the worms. The tweezers also worked well.

K found out that the chopsticks worked well, too.

Holland tries to pick up the sunflower seeds using tongs. She discovered that that wasn't the best choice, but doesn't she still look cool with her fashionable bicycle glove?

She decided the tongs were much more handy when used to pick up the cherries!

It was fun to try the chopsticks!

Holland was great with the tweezers.

The slotted spoon was the perfect instrument for scooping out "fish". This scoop-like contraption was a great comparison to a pelican's scoop-like bill.

Holland tries to catch the flying fish (popcorn).

And Reese gets involved too--her school is playtime :o):

And the happy leap towards mom holding the camera. My heart has officially melted.

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