Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Green Discovery

It's so fun to see life through the eyes of an exploring babe.

Our little Georgia Reese likes to explore, and does so with quiet stealth. When she's not trying to jail-break from her crib, she's turning corners into other rooms by crawling, hiding under our kitchen table, and grabbing Chester's paws. So far, Reese is showing herself to be adventurous, quieter than her sisters (knock on wood), waaay wiggly but super content, and mildly to severely opinionated. :o) Yes, she can go from 0-60 in less than an instant.

It's been a gift--such a gift--to watch her grow with the extra eyes, play skills, and helpful hands of her sisters. It is no small thing to marvel at one of your children--with your children. They love her and will drop everything to protect her. They will shed tears when she does, and will lend a hand when needed. The girls love giving Reesie a bath, helping with diaper changes, stocking the diaper bag, and reading to her as she lays in her crib. Liv's favorite book to read to Reese, would be one about true-life shark attacks. I hope Reese doesn't develop an unnatural fear of sharks. Actually, on second thought, can a fear of sharks be unnatural? Probably not. I think maybe this is for her benefit, then. :o) Read away, Liv, read away.

The discovery of grass is so fun to watch.

First we have the initial shock of something tickly, scratchy, bright green and moving to the time of the wind actually touching her skin. Have you ever thought about how terrifying that is to first eyes?

Her toes are flexed with distaste.

A rush of bravery is embraced, and she timidly grasps the blade of grass. It is here she decides she may actually be okay with this new discovery.

Happy 1st Spring, sweet baby of mine!

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