Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It dawns on me that I'm hiding
and I realize that as His child I am free

and when did oppression have such a strong voice
and when did I start giving it space in my heart?

Because oppression is only able to thrive
when we tiptoe around it and refuse to call it by name

but when we claim it and come clean and ban it from our rooms
we are able then to conquer it with light and joy

Light and joy comes only from God above.
So I come from hiding, singing a song to Him,

The one who put that music in my heart;
the One who truly has set us free. Indeed.

John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

holy experience


Hilty Sprouts said...

beautiful, insightful. Thanks for sharing.

Mommy Emily said...

this is powerful. i love the photo, and i cried with your words. i claim freedom with you, sister.


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